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Monday, February 17, 2025

The Best 10 Libraries for CSS Animation

For a very long time, the only options available to developers looking to display animations on a web page were gifs and Flash players.

Nevertheless, the addition of CSS3’s keyframes, transition, and animation properties made it much simpler to produce and present visually appealing abstract animations. With the release of CSS3, animations may now be created and conditionally rendered for a variety of pseudo-states. For example, hover, concentration, etc.

Using these properties to create animations is rather simple. To begin, create a keyframes rule with the desired animation sequence in it:

@keyframes float {
 0% { transform: translate(0, 0px);
50% { transform: translate(0, 15px);
100% { transform: translate(0, -0px);

As you can see, we define a keyframe called float, which sets the element transform property to translate by 0% at 0% of the animation flow, by 15 px on the y axis at 50%, and by 100% of the animation flow to translate back to 0%.

The animation property can then be used to apply this keyframe flow to an element:

.element { 

animation: floating 3s ease-in-out infinite;


/* OR */

 .element:hover { 

animation: floating 3s ease-in-out infinite;


You’ll see that writing a basic float animation requires a lot of code, and writing more complex ones results in much longer code. This issue is effectively resolved by animation libraries, which simplify the process of incorporating animations into webpages by simply assigning class names to the relevant elements.

Ten popular CSS animation libraries and platforms will be examined in this post for a variety of animation styles, including loaders, lightbox animations, simple motion, elements/page transitions, animating pages on scroll, and much more. We’ll examine their advantages, restrictions, and code samples to help you get going right away. The whole list of libraries we will discuss is as follows:


The Animate.css library’s site.

One of the most well-known CSS animation libraries is Animate.css; as of this writing, it has over 76k stars on GitHub. Simply include the class names of the animation ranges you want to add to your web application in the element you want to animate, and Animate.css will take care of the rest. For showing on-page animations, slider animations, and general attention-grabbing animations, Animate.css comes in quite helpful.

Additional utility classes in this package let you modify the length, tempo, and repeat rate of animations right from your markup. Additionally, you may use the animations this library provides directly from your CSS code by integrating them with the native CSS keyframe property.


Animista functions more like a CSS animation platform than a library because it offers animation on demand. To use it, simply visit the platform, choose the desired animation, and the CSS keyframe code for it is generated right away.

The Animista CSS animation platform’s site.
Although Animista’s animation selection appears to be rather comparable to that of animate.css, closer inspection reveals Animista has far more helpful animation categories, especially for animating background components and words. Additionally, you have the choice to download standard or minified code when you’re ready to export your animation code.

Animation library

The animation library CSS library homepage.

Given that they provide comparable animation categories, Animation Library can be viewed as an alternative to Animate.css. But unlike the former, the animation library doesn’t offer the further customization choices that let you choose the ideal timing, speed, or duration of the animation.

Additionally, source files for animation libraries are separated into different classes; for instance, all variations of the fade animation, along with other animation classes, are contained in a single source file.

Magic CSS

The Magic CSS animation library’s homepage.

In comparison to the animations we’ve just studied, Magic CSS is an even more intriguing animation library. This package includes some very useful animations for page transitions. But magic CSS has a drawback: it doesn’t work with the Opera mini-browser.


The animation library gallery of lightGallary.

Unlike the other animation libraries we’ve discussed so far, lightGallery is made just for creating lightbox images. Images that overlay the current webpage in a modal form when clicked are known as lightbox images, like the one above.

Because it can render media assets in a carousel format, support video files, and enable the creation of custom plugins to alter or expand its functionality, lightGallery is a flexible library. It’s also important to remember that lightGallery depends on JavaScript to work, thus it’s not strictly a CSS animation library.


With the help of Loading.io, you may personalize a selection of rich loading animations and export your result as a PNG, GIF, SVG, or CSS keyframe animation. These animations come in very useful for creating preloaders or illustrating the loading statuses of asynchronous activities.

The loading.io CSS animation library homepage. In addition to preloaders, loading.io lets you animate text and even background patterns. They also have a loadingBar.js library that you can use to include their preloaders on a web page directly and interactively.

Skeleton Elements

The Skeleton Elements CSS animation library homepage.

Preloaders are another name for skeleton loaders. But skeleton loaders are different from regular loaders in that they mimic the look and feel of loading stuff into gray blocks. It displays the kind of content—text, image, and so forth—that is loading in each block.

This kind of capability can be found in the well-known library Skeleton Elements, which is also offered as a part for a number of JavaScript frameworks.


Micron is a library for microinteractions controlled by JavaScript and CSS animations. To put it simply, you can connect several animations to items that are clicked with ease thanks to micron. To further assist you in controlling the animation flow, there are other configuration choices.

Additionally, you may bind and easily trigger animation from other elements. For instance, you could link an animation to another div and have it activated by a button element.


The Animxyz CSS animation library’s site.
Another simple-to-use CSS interaction animation toolkit that supports attribute customisation is called Animxyz. Numerous animation possibilities are available, and integrating with other JavaScript frameworks like React and Vue is simple.

Additionally, SCSS was used in the creation of this library, allowing for flexible usage and simple customization of the library source to your preferences.


Another interesting library that lets you animate your markup elements while they scroll is called Animate on Scroll (AOS). You may link predefined animations from the library, including fade, flip, zoom, and more, to custom elements so that users can scroll between them. You can also specify the desired animation duration, delay, and number of runs using additional setup parameters.

In summary

While making simple online animations is not too difficult, working on more intricate ones may be somewhat laborious. We’ve examined eleven CSS libraries with a variety of animation options in this post to relieve you of the burden of having to start from scratch.

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